IGNOU MSO 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 Pdf Download


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First question of this assignment;

  • Describe the heritage of social thought in India which led to the emergence of sociology.
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You can check all questions of this assignment below for more clarification before taking this IGNOU MSO 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24 pdf download facility.

IGNOU MSO 004 Assignment 2023-24 Question Paper

Whereas, You can easily take the IGNOU MSO 004 solved assignment 2023-24 pdf download facility. But , Here we shared all the questions of this assignment for more clarification.

  1. Describe the heritage of social thought in India which led to the emergence of sociology.
  2. Discuss with suitable examples the major research on villages in India.
  3. Define the concept of caste and discuss the Brahminic perspective on caste in India with suitable examples.
  4. Explain with examples the forces of social and technological changes that impact the kinship institution in India.
  5. Describe the changing values and life-style amongst the middle class woman.
  6. What are the major agrarian classes in India? Discuss with reference to the contributions of different Sociologists.
  7. Discuss the relationship between tribe and caste in India with suitable examples.
  8. Discuss critically the concepts of caste, class and gender in India.
  9. How does the rural and urban societies change during a social or natural disaster like an epidemic or earthquake. Discuss critically.
  10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
    a) Concept of Sanskritization
    b) Globalisation and its impact
    c) Define social movement.
    d) Social change and Social revolution.

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