IGNOU MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2023-24 Pdf Download


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First question of this assignment;

  • Explain the psychosocial and socio-cultural causes of psychopathology.
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IGNOU MPCE 011 Assignment 2023-24 Question Paper

Whereas, You can easily take the IGNOU MPCE 011 solved assignment 2023-24 pdf download facility. But , Here we shared all the questions of this assignment for more clarification.

  1. Explain the psychosocial and socio-cultural causes of psychopathology.
  2. Describe the clinical features, causes and treatment of borderline personality disorder.
  3. Describe the common substances and accompanying psychiatric symptoms. Highlight the diagnostic features of substance induced mood disorder.
  4. Provide the clinical picture of attention deficit and hyperactive disorder and discuss its causes.
  5. Discuss the biological and psychological factors contributing to phobic disorder.
  6. Explain the types of delusional disorder.
  7. Describe the diagnostic features of dependent personality disorder.
  8. Discuss the causes and treatment for paranoid personality disorder.
  9. Stages of psychosexual development
  10. Approaches to the classification of psychopathology
  11. Asperger syndrome
  12. Oppositional defiant disorder
  13. Classification of bipolar disorder
  14. Parkinson’s disease
  15. Characteristics of schizophrenia
  16. Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder
  17. Body dysmorphic disorder
  18. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

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