IGNOU MEVE 016 Solved Assignment 2023-24 Pdf Download


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First question of this assignment;

  • Define urbanization. What are the causes of urbanization?
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IGNOU MEVE 016 Assignment 2023-24 Question Paper

Whereas, You can easily take the IGNOU MEVE 016 solved assignment 2023-24 pdf download facility. But , Here we shared all the questions of this assignment for more clarification.

1 Define urbanization. What are the causes of urbanization?
2 What are urban wetlands? Suggest methods to conserve them.
3 Elucidate the importance and process of urban planning.
4 How does population growth affect the growth of a city?
5 Write short notes :
i) Green infrastructure
ii) Urban Climatology
6 Elucidate the importance of energy conservation in designing smart cities.
7 Throw light on the initiatives of Government in sustainable urban development.
8 What is the Green transportation? Describe the obstacles in achieving green transportation in urban areas.

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