IGNOU BRL 103 Solved Assignment 2023-24 Pdf Download


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First question of this assignment;

  • a) How retail store operation is going to be one of the significant platform for integrated planning. b) Discuss different types of Retail Customers.
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IGNOU BRL 103 Assignment 2023-24 Question Paper

Whereas, You can easily take the IGNOU BRL 103 solved assignment 2023-24 pdf download facility. But , Here we shared all the questions of this assignment for more clarification.

Attempt all the questions.
(B) Short Type Questions
1. a) How retail store operation is going to be one of the significant platform for integrated planning. b) Discuss different types of Retail Customers. (5+5)
2. a) What is Psychographic Customer Segmentation?
b) Briefly discuss Manpower Planning. (5+5)
3. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a centralized ware house?
b) Explain the concept of “Space Mix”. (5+5)
4. a) What do you mean by System Frauds? Explain.
b) What is the difference between asset and merchandise in retail business. (5+5)
5. a) How do you discriminate between conventional and contemporary retail formats?
b) Specify the SOPs application in retail. (5+5)
6. a) What do you mean by Average Transaction Size
b) Explain the importance of Product-Customer Matrix. (5+5)
7. a) How ecommerce has changed the buying habits of the customer?
b) Highlight store supervisor key multitasking points. Is multitasking good or bad? (5+5)

(B) Essay Type Questions
8. How offline and online store can be integrated? Also discuss the benefit of integration. (15)
9. Define space planning concept and its objective. What process one must follow for well-defined space planning concept?

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