IGNOU MSW 007 Solved Assignment 2024-25 Pdf Download


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First Question of this Assignment:-

  • Discuss various fields of case work practice with the help of suitable examples in Indian context.

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Assignment IGNOU MSW 007 Solved Assignment 2024-25 Pdf Download
Course Title Case Work and Counselling: Working with individuals
Session 2024-25
Medium English
University Indira Gandhi National Open University

IGNOU MSW 007 Solved Assignment 2024-25 Question Paper

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It’s mandatory to read all questions mentioned below for clarity that you are taking correct solved assignment (i.e., IGNOU MSW 007 Solved Assignment 2024-25 pdf download) according to your need!

1. Discuss various fields of case work practice with the help of suitable examples in Indian context.
Discuss phases of social case work practice as propounded by Mary Richmond (1917).

2. Explain components of case work practice in detail. Also, highlight the relevance of components vis-à-vis case work practice in India.
Critically evaluate scope of counselling in social work profession in India.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:
a) Elucidate the scope of case work practice in India.
b) Discuss the importance of relationships in case work.
c) Evaluate principles of caseworker client relationship.
d) Discuss underlying philosophy behind home visit as a tool in social case work.

4. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each:
a) Enumerate the factors influencing personality.
b) Highlight importance of controlled emotional involvement for a social worker.
c) Briefly explain skills to be used by case worker during the interview.
d) Explain meaning and essence of transactional analysis in context of cognitive- behavioural technique.
e) What do you understand by ethical dilemma in social case work? Give illustrations.
f) Discuss limitations of principles of confidentiality in social case work practice.

5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:
a) Self-actualisation
b) Transference
c) Principle of Self-Determination
d) Etiological Diagnosis
e) Therapeutic Interviewing
f) Classical Conditioning
g) Catharsis
h) Operant Conditioning

IGNOU MSW 007 Solved Assignment 2024-25 Pdf Download Service

This MSW 007 solved assignment 2024-25 pdf download service is available to facilitate help to the students in writing their assignments.

The purpose of this IGNOU MSW 007 Solved Assignment 2024-25 pdf download service is to provide a reference/sample to the students so, they can write the answers easily of the questions of assignments.

All MSW solved assignment of 2024-25 session is available at Vidyanju platform.

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